Movies – Screen Cuisine Movies, TV, Internet, Video Games, and E-Books Fri, 26 Jul 2013 03:39:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summer Movie Fantasy League: Huge Ackman Edition Fri, 26 Jul 2013 03:39:55 +0000 ackman

Hi! Kris and I are deep into our 3rd annual Summer Movie Fantasy League, so I thought it might be time for an update.

With each of us having had seven of ten movies released and tallied for their opening weekend domestic earnings, here’s how the picture looks:


I came out of the gate strong, with Fast & Furious 6 nabbing almost $100K, but it was all downhill from there. World War Z did pretty well, but my poor choices of After Earth, Epic, White House Down, and Turbo did me no favors. Meanwhile, Kris picked the single biggest film, Man of Steel, plus got the two biggest kiddie flicks, Monsters U and Despicable Me 2. With three movies left for each of us, things are looking grim for the former champion (me).

However! All is not lost. With a string of crap and duds hitting the theaters over the past few weeks, and The Wolverine basically opening without any competition, I could cut a hefty chunk out of Kris’ $96 million lead this weekend. Unfortunately, I doubt it’ll be enough to win. She still has Elysium, which 1) has been advertised like crazy, 2) looks like it might be good, and 3) MATT DAMON. I’m not sure how 2 Guns will do, but it’s got Denzel Washington and Marky Mark, so I assume it’ll have a healthy opening. I think I’m still gonna get beat, but maybe it’ll be close.

Meanwhile, our three film picks for lowest Rotten Tomato score was close for a while! The Purge and The Internship were both basically the same degree of stinky. Kris looked like she might have run away with it by picking Syrup, which had zero positive reviews for WEEKS, but suddenly a positive one appeared, knocking it up to 17%. I managed a 0% pick too, with Hammer of the Gods, but we’ll have to keep an eye on it in case some tool decides to like it enough to give it a decent review. R.I.P.D. was much-hated, but not as much-hated as the most-hated Grown Ups 2. As with Syrup, these scores tend to fluctuate a bit as late reviews come in throughout the summer, but right now, I think I’ve got this portion of the summer league won.

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Some Spoiler-Free Words About “Looper” Thu, 04 Oct 2012 21:36:02 +0000

“I don’t want to talk about time travel.” — Joe (Bruce Willis), in the film Looper

“I kinda do.” — Me, in the audience of the film Looper

(Note: There will be no spoilers here, the only real information I’ll be talking about are things evident in the movie trailers.)

There were two things I knew about Looper before I saw it. Both of those things were revealed in the trailer for the film, and both of them worried me, because both of them seemed pretty stupid. I’ll get to both of those things in a minute. First, some praise!

Looper is a GOOD MOVIE. Go see it. It’s interesting, entertaining, funny, exciting, violent, cool, thought-provoking, and best of all, completely surprising, and you should definitely go and see it, despite all the paragraphs of whining you’re about to endure. Or, don’t endure them! You don’t really need to keep reading, because if you just go and see Looper, you’ll probably enjoy it. I don’t want to say much else about it, other than the two things I will go on to say, because it’s best to go in knowing as little as possible.

Now, the two things I knew about Looper before seeing it. The first thing that worried me was the general premise: in the future, the mob controls time travel, and uses it to send people back in time to be killed by hitmen. Before I saw the movie, this just seemed patently absurd. And, having seen the movie, it is still patently absurd.

Look, I can see the mob controlling, say, gambling, prostitution, drugs, weapons, maybe even politicians. Maybe even secretly controlling some sort of science, like a pharmaceutical lab or maybe some kind of high-tech gadget firm or something. But time travel? Which would be the biggest and most important scientific discovery ever? That seems about as plausible as the mob controlling space travel. I just can’t envision a future where a bunch of mafioso types walk into NASA and say, “Yeah, you gotta nice space program here, but we’re gonna be making some changes, capice? Dis is Big Vinnie. From now on, you wanna go to da moon, you wanna go into space, you wanna, I dunno, do da thing where you send a rocket to look at space rocks on Mars, badda bing, badda boom… you talk to Big Vinnie foist.” *straightens tie, walks out*

You do get a little explanation of how it works, and why the mob uses it the way it does, but the explanation is brief and, from a logical standpoint, pretty unsatisfying. But, that’s kind of okay.  Sometimes, in science-fiction movies, the fiction is more thought-out than the science, like in Back to the Future, where the focus is on the journey of Marty and his parents, and the science is just a magic car and a photograph that people disappear from a bit at a time. We accept that, or at least it doesn’t bother us too much at the time because we’re enjoying the story (though it’s definitely fun to pick it apart later). Other sci-fi films focus on the science, such as in the time travel film Primer. In Primer, the science was definitely nailed down, but the fiction, in my opinion, was crap (and here fiction includes things like storytelling and acting and making the audience give a shit about anyone on the screen).

I always want both sides of the equation to have equal heft. I want some good science, and I want some good story, and while it’s pretty rare to get both, films can work just fine with just one. Overall, I don’t think Primer is a good film but the makers really did an amazing job of logically portraying time travel, probably the best anyone has done to date, and that part of the film really works. Meanwhile, the time travel in Back to the Future is silly garbage, but the film is fun as hell and has a fantastic script.

Looper basically falls into the Back to the Future camp. The science of their time-travel is redonk, and doesn’t really try to be anything else. The quote at the top of this entry, said by Bruce Willis to his younger self, is more or less the attitude of the film. Another character says roughly the same thing, and these comments are really directed at us, the audience. The mob controls time travel, they send people back 30 years to get whacked, don’t worry about the reasons or how it works because it doesn’t, really, and even if we sort of wish it did, the story Looper tells is entertaining enough without it.

Now. The second thing from the trailer that concerned me: Joseph Gordon-Levitt is covered with facial prosthetics (see disturbing image above) to make him look like a young version of Bruce Willis, since they play the same character at different ages. Even in just a few seconds of trailer footage, I found this kind of distracting.

In the two-hour movie, I found it immensely distracting. The contact lenses, the eyeliner, whatever the hell is going on with his stupid fake eyebrows, the curved nose they stuck on him, the giant oil painting of a bottom lip they glued to his real bottom lip… all of these things just kept me staring at parts of his face for the entire movie through squinted eyes thinking, jeez, I am so distracted right now. Is that a lip or a throw-rug? EYEBROWS! EYEBROWS! Lip. Liiiiiip. Contacts. LIP! Nose. Fake nose. Eyebrows eyebrows LIIIIIIIIP.

But it’s not JUST the make-up. It’s also the constant facial contortion he’s undergoing, rigidly holding a lemon face to approximate Bruce Willis’ sour mug, and the raspy muttering Bruce Willis voice impression, and the attempt at the famous Bruce Willis smirk, and the worst part of ALL OF THESE DISTRACTING DISTRACTIONS that he STILL DOESN’T FUCKING LOOK OR SOUND ANYTHING LIKE BRUCE WILLIS.

THUSLY, there is NO POINT. We would have easily accepted the idea that they were the same person at different ages if the film just told us that. We may have thought initially, well, they don’t really look anything alike, but we wouldn’t be obsessed with it for the entire movie. (LIP. LIIIIIIIP.) We would probably just accept it. Suspending disbelief isn’t always easy, but it’s especially hard when you’re staring at an actor who you like and who you are familiar with while he does a shitty Bruce Willis impression for two hours with a face covered in plastic noses and fake eyebrows and lip-murals. AND, if you insist on covering JGL with weird, distracting make-up, why not have him play dual roles, so the young JGL is just JGL, and the old JGL is JGL covered with old-person make-up? At least that way, while one JGL is covered in stupid, unconvincing make-up, you still have one that isn’t.

Anyway. Those were my two concerns going in, and they remain my two concerns coming out, but they are both ultimately overshadowed greatly by the quality of everything else. There’s a great story to Looper, and the film has plenty of excitement, several WTF moments, some great character development, and if you can let the science go, and do your best to forget JGL is wearing a Bruce Willis mask that doesn’t look anything like Bruce Willis, I think there’s a lot to enjoy. Go see it!

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The Bourne Legacy: Two Reviews Wed, 22 Aug 2012 20:43:43 +0000

I’m a big fan of the original Bourne trilogy, though by the third I felt they were treading pretty familiar ground. So how is The Bourne Legacy, the Bourne movie without Bourne? Two reviews follow, one short and concise, the other a muddled meandering mishmash of something beginning with M.

Here’s the first:

In attempting to launch a new chapter of the Bourne franchise, The Bourne Legacy sticks too closely to the beats of the original trilogy to feel fresh or new. Shaky-cam fights, rooftop and busy-street chases, and government data-mining scenes have been all been done before, and done better. The best part of this film is Rachel Weisz’s performance, which is fantastic, but Jeremy Renner, as the replacement for Matt Damon, elicits little sympathy or interest.

The second review below. Spoilers follow for all four Bourne movies, so don’t read unless you are planning to lose your memory and travel through the most recognizable cities in Europe to unravel the mystery of your past and then watch all the Bourne movies.

Before we talk about this movie, can we talk about the tagline of this movie?

The Bourne Legacy: “There was never just one.”

So, is this one referring to the number of super secret black ops agents, like Jason Bourne? Uh, yeah, we know, there were way more than one. In The Bourne Identity, there was Bourne, and three other “assets”, two of whom Bourne killed, and one who killed Chris Cooper and then was never seen again. In The Bourne Supremacy, there was one more, who Bourne visited, strangled, and blew up his apartment with a magazine-toaster bomb (and who also told Bourne “We’re the only two left.”) THEN, in The Bourne Ultimatum, there’s another one in Tangier who Bourne kills and yet another one who chases Bourne around and then decides not to shoot him on a rooftop in New York. So, by my count, going into The Bourne Legacy, there were seven. Instead of “There was never just one,” the tagline should really read:

“There was never just seven.
Or should it be were?
It should be were.
There were never just seven.
Or should it be: There never were just seven?
I dunno, they both sound kind of awkward now.”

That’s a very long tagline for a poster, but it’s more accurate.

Anyway! Let’s leave the first three Bourne movies behind and get to The Bourne Legacy, only we can’t, because the first thirty minutes of The Bourne Legacy are sort of a recap of the first three Bourne movies, detailing Treadstone, which was the government torture program that created Bourne, then Blackbriar, that program that took over Treadstone, and now there’s Outcome, which is a program like the other two only they use operatives who have been physically and mentally enhanced by “chems” (drugs). Now that Bourne has shed public light on Treadstone and Blackbriar, Edward Norton is worried that Outcome might also get revealed to the public so he decides to kill all of the agents involved in the project and all of the pharmacists who make the drugs, because there’s nothing less suspicious than a bunch of dead bodies all over the place to convince the public that Nothing Suspicious Is Going On.

After killing his covert super-agents, Edward Norton sends a drone to Alaska to kill Jeremy Renner, who manages to escape by having a wolf killed in his place, but it was a mean wolf, so it’s okay. Renner goes to find Rachel Weisz, who is a doctor he knows from the drug-making company where he gets his drugs and he wants more drugs, because they make him smart. Edward Norton controls the mind (with drugs) of one of the chemists in the science lab, and makes him kill everyone else, though Weisz escapes. So, the drugs make people smarter, and stronger, and also magically control people’s minds somehow, sometimes. The drugs in this movie are sort of like the black goo from Prometheus, they do whatever the writers need it to do in a given scene.

Renner saves Weisz from another attempt by Edward Norton to kill her, and they go to Manilla so she can inject Renner with a permanent dose of brain drugs that will mean he no longer has to take brain drugs. Meanwhile, Edward Norton tries to track them down like they do in the other movies: by sitting in a room with a bunch of computer monitors and saying things like “GET ME THAT FOOTAGE FROM THE AIRPORT” and “COME ON PEOPLE” and “PUT THAT ON MY SCREEN.” And everyone types things into computers really fast. Edward Norton finds out where they are, and decides to activate yet another agent from yet another goddamn super secret assassin agent program he also has, called Larx.

Seriously, enough. You have had four different secret killer assassin programs. The first one failed and got everyone killed, and the second one failed and got everyone killed and indicted, and the third one got everyone killed with poison and drone strikes. Do you really think the fourth one is going to work out? As far as I know, the only super soldier program that was ever any good was the one that created Captain America, and every single other one has been a complete disaster. If you need soldiers JUST CALL THE ARMY. THEY HAVE A BUNCH OF GOOD ONES.

SO! Time for a chase scene, right? Jeremy Renner jumps on a motorcycle that someone has left running and the Larx guy jumps in a police car that someone left unattended and then the Larx guy gets on a motorcycle too and then he gets on yet another motorcycle for some reason, and there’s a long chase through busy streets, and then the movie is over, and we’re like, wait, was THAT the climax of the movie? That felt like the Act Two action sequence, the one that would lead up to the big final action sequence, but I think that’s because Act One was the Bourne Trilogy recap and so Act Two, The Jeremy Renner Needs Drugs Story, felt like it was actually Act One, which meant Act Three, Let’s All Easily Steal 100 Motorcycles, felt like Act Two, so the movie felt like it had no Act Three.

Also, it turns out that the information Bourne gave to the public didn’t work and all the evil government people are fine and the only one in trouble is Joan Allen, the nice government person from the other movies, so there was no reason for Edward Norton to kill everyone anyway, so, um, good job, and why don’t you just get started on the inevitable fifth secret government assassin program, because I’m sure it will work out great.

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Warrior: Two Reviews Wed, 15 Aug 2012 14:48:44 +0000

Warrior, the mixed martial-arts drama, came to Netflix instant, and I watched it, and here are two reviews of it: the first short and spoiler-free, the second, a long floppy flood of finger-farts containing all of the spoilers for absolutely everything in the movie. First review:

While it veers into melodrama and hits a number of incredibly familiar sports-movie beats, strong acting performances and exciting, believable fight scenes turn Warrior into a decent sports film. I hope you noticed my clever wordplay back there. Because it’s a fighting film, and I said hit and beats.


Got a sports film to make? Okay, let’s talk ingredients. You need an underdog, obvs, a guy down on his luck, needing money for something important, who has no chance of winning, but he’s a good guy. That’s Joel Edgerton, who kind of looks like Conan O’Brien’s tougher older brother, the one who smoked and drove a Mustang and dropped out of high school in 11th grade. Edgerton plays a physics teacher, the kind every student loves and respects, and he needs money to make his house payments. So, he decides to return to his roots of being a mixed martial artist, which he is good at because he knows how to grab a guy’s arm and hold it in a way that makes them want to stop punching him (NOTE: THIS WILL COME IN IMPORTANT LATER).

You also need a bad guy, a big hulking brute, and that need is met by basically everyone else in the entire film, because this is an MMA movie and everyone is huge and muscly. Tom Hardy is the main one, and he is big and hulking and a brute, and he’s been gone for years, and now he is back, and he is Joel Edgerton’s brother.

You need an aging, crusty trainer of some sort, like Nick Nolte, and you need an absentee father, also Nick Nolte, and someone should have a drinking problem, Nick Nolte again. The brothers hate each other because, something something childhood, something something WE’RE NOT BROTHERS something something YOU JUST DON’T GET IT, DO YOU something etc. Also, they both hate Nick Nolte, but Nick Nolte wants to make amends, something something I’VE NEVER SEEN MY GRANDCHILDREN something something and his eyes fill with tears a lot.

You need a concerned wife who doesn’t want Joel Edgerton to fight, and gets mad when he does, and she does not represent the views of anyone in the audience because, come on, we want to see giant dudes punching each other to death already. That’s Jennifer Morrison, being concerned and, you know, pretty naggy about shit, because that’s all they give women to do in sports films about men.

Finally, you need a big sporting thing, in this case, a sixteen man MMA tournament with a prize of five million dollars (seems kind of like a big purse for a tourney that will take a physics teacher, but whatever). Also, Tom Hardy was a Marine but he doesn’t talk about it, so you think maybe he was a bad Marine, but then it turns out he saved a bunch of guys from drowning so he was a good Marine, but then it turns out he was only there to save guys from drowning because he went AWOL, so he’s a bad Marine again, sort of, but then he went AWOL because he was the sole survivor of a friendly-fire shooting that killed his friend and wants to donate his winnings to his friend’s widow, so he is a good Marine, finally. He is also super scary and angry because of all those things that happened and he just beats the shit out of everyone in the tournament and seriously, he is scarier in this movie than he was as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. I don’t know what you call those muscles that connect your shoulders to your neck but his are big enough to fling his head into space, where it would headbutt the moon to death.

Meanwhile, Joel Edgerton is also doing well in the tourney. He is getting the shit punched out of him by guys who are way way bigger than he is, but he is good at grabbing a guy’s arm and holding it in a way that will make them stop punching him (REMEMBER?), and he does this and wins a lot, and the announcers of the tournament are first like THIS GUY IS GOING TO GET KILLED but are later more like THIS GUY IS PRETTY GOOD.

And then it’s the final match, between the two brothers! And Tom Hardy just beats the living crap out of Joel Edgerton for four rounds, BUT THEN!!! Joel Edgerton does the arm-grab he does on everyone, and Tom Hardy is a serious badass and will not tap out (that means quit), so Joel Edgerton breaks Tom Hardy’s arm!

The final round begins, and Tom Hardy is coming out to fight, but his arm is broken, so Joel Edgerton is just punching him in the face at will, but Tom Hardy won’t quit, and Joel Edgerton is like, jeez, I can’t just keep punching my own brother in the face when he is in pain like this, so he tells Tom Hardy to quit, and all the wonderful violence that has been happening is now horribly sad, and we want to just hug Tom Hardy even though he is a giant hulked-out scary muscle-monster, because he is hurting.

So, you’re probably sitting there thinking, well, this could go a few ways. Maybe the ref stops the fight and Joel Edgerton is declared the winner. Maybe they hug. Maybe the round ends and Joel Edgerton is declared the winner and then they hug. Maybe they hug, the round ends, and Tom Hardy is declared the winner. Maybe Tom Hardy, his arm broken, slumps down to the mat and taps out. Maybe Joel Edgerton slumps down to the mat and taps out so he can let his brother can win. Maybe it’s a tie and they both win!

No. No to all of those things I just pretended you were thinking. None of them are right, dummy! What ACTUALLY HAPPENS is Joel Edgerton KICKS HIS BROTHER IN THE FUCKING HEAD and then PROCEEDS TO STRANGLE HIM TO ALMOST DEATH.

Holy shit. It’s, like, WHAT. DID THAT JUST HAPPEN. Did he really, in the midst of seeing his brother’s suffering, not just his physical suffering but his real spiritual suffering, just haul off and foot-kick him in the head-skull as hard as he could? YES. THAT HAPPENED. And, shit, good job, movie, for doing that, because having your incredibly good guy character kick your other incredibly good guy character who is also his own brother in the face is, well, pretty awesome of you.

So, while he’s lovingly strangling his brother to death, Joel Edgerton tells Tom Hardy he loves him, and Tom Hardy taps out, and then they limp out of the ring together, two huge hulking brutal dudes hurt and limping and clinging to each other because, love. And Nick Nolte is all, yeah, those are my boys, and also Joel Edgerton’s wife had stopped nagging him and was at the fight cheering, so, essentially, every sports movie you’ve ever seen, but still, pretty effective, and somewhat moving, and everyone did a good job acting and fighting, plus the awesome surprising moment of someone kicking someone right in the face in the most loving way you can ever kick someone right in the face.

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The Dark Knight Rises: Two Reviews Fri, 03 Aug 2012 15:13:27 +0000

I skipped out of work early the other day and went to a matinee of The Dark Knight Rises, and here are two reviews: one short and spoiler free, and one long rambling spoiler-filled sack of arglebargle.

Here’s the first review:

In The Dark Knight Rises, the final film in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, Batman comes out of a long retirement to face Bane, a supervillain who wants to destroy Gotham City. I thought it was pretty good, though I enjoyed the first two films a lot more.

Okay, onto the SUPER SPOILER plot summary, which contains SPOILERS. SUPER ONES.

Eight years after Batman takes the blame for killing Harvey Dent, crime in Gotham City is under control but Bruce Wayne is sad and won’t come out of his room and won’t do Batman things anymore. During a party in his house, Selina Kyle, a sexy cat burglar, steals his fingerprints. Meanwhile, somewhere else, a hulking criminal named Bane kills a bunch of CIA guys so he can steal a scientist. Also, in Gotham, there’s a cop named Blake who misses Batman a lot and notices that something evil is happening in the sewers under Gotham, and there’s a jerk on the board of Wayne Enterprises, and also a nice lady on the board of Wayne enterprises, and also Bruce Wayne invented a fusion reactor that he won’t use because it could be turned into a fusion bomb, and Matthew Modine is a police captain for some reason.

Bruce Wayne’s stolen fingerprints are given to Bane, who breaks into the stock exchange to use them to bankrupt Wayne Enterprises, because I guess if Bruce Wayne wants to do some stock business he has to go right onto the trading floor and stick his fingers into a computer or something. Bruce Wayne puts on his Batman clothes to chase Bane around, but Matthew Modine hates Batman and wants to catch him more than he wants to catch Bane, but Bruce Wayne escapes in his new flying Batmobile. Bane’s plan works, though, because Bruce Wayne is now broke and no one notices that Bane was doing stock market terrorism at the same moment Bruce Wayne was supposedly sticking his fingers on the DELETE ALL MY MONEY button at the stock exchange.

Alfred, meanwhile, thinks he has done an absolutely terrible job of looking after Bruce Wayne, first by letting him disappear as a young man, then by helping him be a vigilante, then by letting him rot in his room for eight years, and it’s pretty hard to disagree with all that, even though he’s very sweet and his eyes fill with tears and we want to hug him. Anyway, he quits.

Bruce Wayne is kicked out of Wayne Enterprises for having no money, so the jerk on the board is like, ha ha, I WON AT BUSINESS! But Bane is like, no, and kills him. Bruce Wayne has sex with the nice lady on the board who promises to try to win at business but in a nice way, and then Bruce leaves as Batman to track down Selina Kyle, who I don’t think they ever call Catwoman but she’s Catwoman. She traps Batman in a room with Bane, who has been kicked out of the The League of Shadows, who wanted to destroy Gotham City in the first movie, but now he’s running another The League of Shadows who wants to destroy Gotham City in this movie. Bane beats the shit out of Batman and puts him in a pit in India or something, and the only way to escape is by being really good at climbing and jumping, two things Batman probably isn’t very good at, right?

Bane takes over Gotham by exploding everything, including all the bridges and a football game, and traps all of the policemen in the sewers because Commissioner Gordon sent them to see what was going on down there, and he sent them all into the same sewer hole, all at once, in one big group, which was probably a bad idea. Bane tells Gotham he has a fusion bomb, but he won’t blow it up right away because he wants the people of Gotham to feel false hope before they die, and to help them feel hopeful he lets all of the violent prisoners out of jail and gives them guns and holds a lot of executions, which is how you make people feel hopeful, I guess. Also, blowing up football is a good way to win people over, because who even likes football? Nobody.

Batman is healed by nice people in the jail pit and learns a lesson about how to climb and jump out of a pit, which is by climbing and jumping really good, better than he ever has before. Arriving back at Gotham, he finds Catwoman and is like, even though you betrayed me and gave me to Bane to get punched, you’re a hot woman so you’re probably a good person deep down inside, so help me beat up people, and she’s like, maybe. Batman frees all the trapped policemen, who have been in the sewer for two months but are still able to put a smart tactical plan into motion, the plan being, let’s walk down the street in a big group towards a thousand criminals with automatic weapons.

Batman, having learned from their first fight that punching Bane doesn’t work because Bane is way better at punching, comes up with a new plan using a bunch of clever bat weapons, only he doesn’t, he just stupidly walks right up to Bane and tries punching him, and Bane is still better at punching. But then, Batman tries punching even harder, and Bane’s mask breaks, and Bane is like, my mask, that keeps me alive, why did I let Batman punch it so much? Even though I am better at punching he is still pretty good at punching!

The nice business lady then reveals that she is the evil daughter of Liam Neeson from the first movie, and she’s mad at Batman because he killed Liam Neeson when all Liam Neeson ever did was try to murder everyone in Gotham with insanity water. And also, Bane wasn’t really kicked out of The League Of Shadows, so ha ha, Batman, you were slightly misled about the specific link between Bane and The League of Shadows! Your humiliation is now complete. Evil lady stabs Batman and leaves to go blow up the bomb, and Batman is about to be killed by Bane when Catwoman shows up and shoots Bane with a motorcycle. So, Bane is dead, I guess.

Batman flys his airplane thing around trying to get the bomb back to his bunker to be defused, but that doesn’t work, so he crashes the truck the bomb is on and decides to fly the bomb out of the city. While the bomb ticks down to zero, everyone stands around watching the evil lady slowly die from her truck crash injuries, then they all chat a bit, then Batman and Catwoman talk a little and smooch, then Batman reveals himself to Commissioner Gordon, the one person left in the city who hasn’t figured out that Bruce Wayne is Batman, and the audience is sitting there like, HEY, DID EVERYONE FORGET? BOMB. Batman finally gets around to flying the fusion bomb out over the lake where it explodes, killing him.

Then, a million things happen in five minutes, such as Blake quitting the police and going to the Batcave and also revealing that his name is Robin, ooh, and Wayne Manor is turned into an Orhpan Home for Orphans, and Alfred sobs over Bruce Wayne’s grave because Bruce died the same day as Batman which isn’t suspicious at all, and then Alfred goes to Italy or something and Bruce Wayne is there with Selina Kyle and everyone is happy except for everyone who died and those who survived and now live in a rubble-strewn city next to a lake with a bunch of fusion in it.

So! How was it? It was pretty good. It fit in perfectly with the first two movies, though that’s maybe a problem: it fits in so well it doesn’t really give us anything new or different. Batman is still a gloomy gus, Alfred is worried and weepy, The League of Shadows from the first movie is back, the city is under siege like it was in the second movie, and it all feels like the same basic thing, which is not a bad thing, just a similar thing. Bane is an intriguing villain for a while, but after snapping his fourteenth neck he gets a little dull, and he’s never as interesting or compelling or fun as Joker was. Also, there were no colorful, cartoony gangsters, which I think Batman needs: I like him fighting crime more than I like him fighting fusion terrorism. Basically, TDKR is the first movie plus the second movie minus Joker minus gangsters.

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Prisoners from Space and Jerks from Manhattan Thu, 26 Jul 2012 16:56:19 +0000

We caught up on a few movies over the weekend, and here are some quick reviews:

Lockout: What I was hoping would be a big, dumb, fun action movie turned out to be just a big, dumb action movie. There’s a prison, in space, filled with horrible villains who are in suspended animation. The president’s daughter goes up to make sure the space prisoners’ rights aren’t being violated, and a prisoner escapes and kills the only two guards who bother to protect the big button labeled “Let All The Prisoners Out Of Stasis.” Naturally, there’s only one guy who can infiltrate the space prison to rescue the president’s daughter, a wise-cracking former special commando agent (or whatever) who is waiting to go to space prison for a crime he totally committed. Oh wait, SORRY, he didn’t commit it, in a shocking twist that’s never been done before ever.

This movie was terrible and no fun and after about forty minutes we just fast-forwarded to the end. Part of the problem, I think was that it was rated PG-13. Look, if you’re going to do a movie about horribly killing a bunch of space prisoners, make it rated R. There’s a scene where Guy Pearce puts an explosive collar around a guy’s neck and it explodes, and they don’t show it. Show it. Show all of the violenceseses. Give yourself a fighting chance to make your dumb movie at least gross-out entertaining. You have people being sucked into space and you don’t even get to see them pop. Lame.

Also, why not let Guy Pearce speak with his normal accent? He’s never been great about hiding his Aussie accent anyway, and Aussie accents are great, and an Aussie accent in space would be even greater. It might seem unlikely that a top American covert commando tactical spec-ops agent assassin (or whatever the damn hell) is Australian, but then it’s unlikely to have a prison in space, so don’t sweat it. You have Peter Stormare, too, and, come on, you’re not fooling anyone by trying to make him sound American. Let him talk how he talks, all Swedish or whatever. Not enough Swedes in space. Plus, the main two bad guys were Scottish, so having all those accents flying around (in space!) would have been fantastic. Being able to not understand any of the dialogue totally would have helped this film.

Friends With Kids: Wealthy gorgeous young-ish people in Manhattan with vaguely defined jobs dress really well and live in beautiful expansive apartments and attend fancy dinners and go jogging a lot in Central Park. But they have problems, you guys! Because raising kids is hard when you have a million dollars and live in New York and rent cabins for ski trips! The stress of interviewing all the full-time nannies you can afford just gets to you. I can totes relate because I am rich and beautiful but sometimes I’m like, AGGH, I haven’t had sex with Maya Rudolph as much as I used to so my life is garbage!

This movie is notable for having an incredible cast of some of my absolute favorite actors/comedians — Jon Hamm, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Chris O’Dowd — and essentially doing nothing with them but having them all be kinda whiny beautiful jerks. I love Adam Scott, too, but he’s a unlikable idiot for way longer than he should have been (roughly 99.9% of the film). The director and lead actress was Jennifer Westfeldt, who has been dating Jon Hamm for years, so even if she’s bummed at making a crummy by-the-numbers romantic comedy, at least she can go home and stare at Jon Hamm. No matter how bad a day you’ve had or how bad a movie you’ve made, being able to go home and stare at Jon Hamm has to help.

Wanderlust: Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston are beautiful youngish people who live in the city (Manhattan, the city that never sleeps and also the only city that exists anywhere, ever) and are ambitious career types, but then their careers go bust and they have to go live in Atlanta with comical jerk Ken Marino, but along the way they wind up stopping at a hippie commune in Georgia and one of them winds up liking it while the other doesn’t, and then the first one doesn’t like it but the other does, and then conflict, and then resolution. Great bunch of comedians and actors: Justin Theroux, Malin Akerman, Joe Lo Truglio, Jordan Peele, Alan Alda, Todd Barry, Kerri Kenney. Lots of hippie humor. Some dongs and butts, jokes about weed and toilets, and Paul Rudd being inexplicably weird while talking to himself in the mirror. It was okay. Decent rental.

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Finn The Human, Spelunking, and the return of Heisenberg Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:48:19 +0000

I think every Friday I’ll try to post a list of the best and worst stuff that has crossed my various screens during the week. I’m calling it Jams and Slams because that’s the stupidest name I could think of.

This Week’s Jams:

  • Adventure Time. I saw the pilot for this cartoon a while back, thought it was cute, and promptly forgot about it. Then I caught an episode earlier this week and completely fell in love with it. It’s a cartoon kids will like because Jake the Dog and Finn the Human are brave, cute, and have silly, romping adventures in a magical world filled with oddball characters. Adults can enjoy it because it’s funny and a bit dark: Finn is the only human left on earth after an apocalypse (clues to which are scattered around the episodes), and the supporting cast of characters are often psychotic and dangerous. The best thing about just signing on to this show is that Cartoon Network reruns a handful of episodes per day, so your DVR can quickly be chock full of them.
  • Breaking Bad and Inside Men. Breaking Bad has returned for its final season, comprised of eight episodes this year and eight more next year. Walter White is now the full-on bad guy, less the loving family man and more the merciless Heisenberg. Inside Men is a four episode series broadcast on BBC America (the final, slightly disappointing episode aired this week), about a milquetoast money manager who plans and executes a multimillion dollar heist. Both shows have something in common: a wimpy dweeb reaches deep down inside himself and finds the cold, calculating heart of a master criminal.
  • Spelunky for X-Box 360. I’ve played my share of Spelunky on PC, the completely unforgiving platform adventure, and I’m pretty amazed at how the X-Box 360 version turned out. Dare I even say it: it’s better than the original. Unfortunately, I’m still terrible at it. Tom Francis, our ambassador to Spelunky, has written regularly and enjoyably about both versions.
  • Steam’s Summer Sale. Steam is once again selling ALL OF THE THINGS. And so, you will be reading about me playing Train Simulator sometime soon. Lucky you.

This Week’s Slams:

  • Conan The Barbarian (2011): Wow. I figured this film could go one of two ways: fun to watch because it’s fun, or fun to watch because it’s crap. Somehow, it’s just no fun at all because it’s astoundingly boring. I made two stabs at watching it on two different nights and fell asleep both times.
  • The Trailer for Looper. I’m sort of obsessed with the idea of this film. As I understand it, the mafia uses time travel to send their enemies into the past to have them killed, which seems needlessly complex and potentially disastrous. If you must use time travel to whack people, why not at least kill them first and then send their dead bodies back to dinosaur times? Also, why do it at all? Don’t they have rolled-up carpets and woodchippers in the future? But my main question is, why cover Joseph Gordon-Levitt with distracting amounts of makeup and prosthetics to make him look like a young Bruce Willis, when even with distracting amounts of makeup and prosthetics he doesn’t look anything like Bruce Willis? And, if you’re going to cover Joseph Gordon-Levitt with distracting amount of makeup and prosthetics anyway, why not just make him look like Old Joseph Gordon-Levitt and have him play both versions of himself? The mind reels.
  • Pornographic Classics: Due to the phenomenal success of Fifty Shades of Grey, some classic novels like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, and 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea are being retrofitted and re-released with explicit sex scenes. The publisher asks, “You didn’t really think that these much-loved characters only held hands and pecked cheeks, did you?” No, I fully assumed Sherlock Holmes was humping Dr. Watson, and I was right.


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The Second Annual Summer Movie Fantasy League! Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:40:13 +0000

If you recall, last year my wife Kris and I engaged in a summer movie fantasy league (we got the idea from Film Drunk), where we held a draft and picked summer movies based on what we thought their opening weekend totals would be. I won, but not by much.

We’re now in the midst of our Second Annual Summer Movie Fantasy League, and I’m long overdue for boring you with the details.

Back in April, we each picked ten movies we thought would have big summer opening weekends (May through August) and here they are (in release date order, not in the order we picked them). Right now, I’m way in the lead, but only because six of my movie picks have already been released, as opposed to only two of hers.

Chris Kris
Film Box Office Film Box Office
Avengers $207,438,708 Dark Shadows $29,685,274
Battleship $25,534,825 Prometheus $51,050,101
What to Expect $10,547,068 Brave
Men in Black 3 $54,592,779 Abe Lincoln
Madagascar 3 $60,316,738 Magic Mike
Rock of Ages $15,060,000 Dark Knight
Spider-Man Total Recall
Ice Age 4 Bourne Legacy
Hope Springs The Campaign
Expendables 2 Sparkle
$373,490,118 $80,735,375


As you can see, we each have a couple of guaranteed mega-hits (she picked The Dark Knight as her first pick, and I went with The Avengers), and we each have a couple of highly questionable selections (I expected What to Expect When You’re Expecting to exceed expectations, and I was horribly wrong, and she figured Magic Mike, a movie about Channing Tatum taking off his clothes, would draw a ton of squealing ladies to the theaters, which remains to be seen.) Not to mention, my terrible choice of Rock of Ages, which despite being stuffed with stars in a Glee-obsessed country, opened this past weekend to a paltry estimated sum of $15 million.

Still, if The Dark Knight has a comparable opening to The Avengers, which I’m sure it will, I’m not really doing so hot. If you take Madagascar 3 and Men In Black 3 out of my totals, I’ve got three films that combine to the same total of her second pick, Prometheus. So, while I’m currently way in the lead, I’m also sort of only barely in the lead.

We also each picked three summer movies we thought would combine for the lowest total Rotten Tomatoes score.

Chris Kris
Film RT Score Film RT Score
What to Expect 22% Piranha 3DD 12%
Abe Lincoln That’s My Boy 23%
Madea Whatever Rock of Ages 42%
22% 77%


We were both surprised Adam Sandler’s That’s My Boy even registered on RT, and Rock of Ages wasn’t quite the critical poo-fest Kris expected, but she has a very respectable total of 77% (last year, the lowest combined total was 95%). That means both Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Madea Makes Another Shitty Movie can only combine for 54% for me to win. I’m pretty sure Tyler Perry won’t disappoint me, but I have absolutely no idea how Abraham Lincoln will be received.

That’s where we stand right now! Kris has three movies opening in the next couple weeks, and of course Batman is lurking over the whole thing like, well, Batman lurking over something. I think the rebooted Spider-Man will have a big holiday weekend in July, and we all know Brave will be massive. I think this could still spin out either way. I’ll update the league every time we’ve got some new numbers to look at.

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