Summer Movie Fantasy League

Seventy Seven

Well, this is a first for our Summer Movie Fantasy League, though since it’s only the second summer we’ve done it, firsts are not terribly unexpected.

Kris and I each chose ten summer movies we thought would have the highest combined domestic opening weekend box office totals, and we also chose three movies we thought would combine for the lowest Rotten Tomatoes score. While the box office results aren’t yet complete (I still have three movies left to open, and Kris has five, including The Dark Knight Rises), all of our low score films have been released. The results are: a tie.

Granted, RT scores tend to drop or rise a couple points every now and then as late reviews are added: the Madea movie has been slowly bleeding points for the past two weeks, Rock of Ages dribbled a little lower since I last checked, and Abraham Lincoln went up a point. So, I’ll have to recheck the results toward the end of the summer to see if there have been any changes. If we’re still tied, I think we can declare Kris the winner of this portion of the SMFL, as her choice of Piranha 3DD was the single lowest scored movies of all the stinkburgers we picked.

In terms of box office totals, I’m still way out in front, though that is going to change this weekend when The Dark Knight finally Rises. If it comes close to The Avengers opening weekend, we could have a pretty tight race leading to the end of the summer. Kris still has Total Recall and The Bourne Movie Without Bourne In It, and I’ve got high hopes for the fourth Ice Age movie. And we each have a couple lame duck picks that could surprise or disappoint (her dark horse Magic Mike did a highly respectable $39 million, while my seemingly ironclad Battleship barely cracked $25 million).

Here’s where we stand going into July:



  1. “Ironclad”… you proud of that, huh? huh??

  2. Hey guys, I like the RT score aspect of your league. You should come over to Studio Wars and try out a league. Just the two of you can set up a league or you can get up to eight people together and form a league. We don’t use the RT idea (though we may make that an option in the future). Instead, each player operates as his own studio, bidding in an auction for the fantasy rights to the box office revenue. Each player gets the same amount of cash to spend. Check out our site.