Welcome to another round of To The Death! We’re ready for another bout of spawn-combat, brought to you on the gm_construct map of Garry’s Mod. No posing of ragdolls, no pulling of punches, just lots and lots of of frenzied killing.
Now. If you were to examine the business model of the local Combine concern, you’d see they succeed due to a strict adherence to a carefully regimented hierarchy. At the top of the heap, you’ve got the Combine Advisor, followed by Dr. Breen, then probably Striders, Gunships, Attack Choppers, Drop Ships, Combine Elite, Combine Soldiers, and then the lowly Metro Cop. Though, I suppose Manhacks and Scanners would be lower down the ladder than the Metro Cops. And, I guess Stalkers would have to fit in there somewhere, too. And gun turrets! And that British lady who makes those PA announcements. Ooh, forgot about the APCs, too. Huh, I’ll have to actually sit down and make a real org chart someday.

The cops will be armed with standard issue pistols with 18-round clips, the zombies have a primary attack of a claw swipe (sometimes a double-claw swipe), and a secondary attack of dying and having their headcrabs leave their body and leap at their enemies. They also have a special attack which involves swiping at an object in their path and turning it into a projectile. Plus, sometimes when they get cut in half, the upper halves of them crawl forward and continue attacking.
With all those different attacks, and 5-to-1 odds, how do our officers even have a chance? Well, it all boils down to the arena.

Well, it’s a decisive victory for the zombies today. Despite their slow start, they caught some lucky breaks when two officers were killed by poorly placed barrels, and the other one simply didn’t bring his A-game. Or, any game. We’ll try this match-up again with a couple modifications, and see if the officers can come back with a better strategy. Here’s a sneak-peek of Match Two, Round Two: