Please take a quick second to answer these polls. I don’t care about the actual results (so pick one even if you hate both options), just testing functionality for something I’m working on. Any problems, let me know in the comments. Thanks!
Movies, TV, Internet, Video Games, and E-Books
Please take a quick second to answer these polls. I don’t care about the actual results (so pick one even if you hate both options), just testing functionality for something I’m working on. Any problems, let me know in the comments. Thanks!
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Copyright © 2012 · Christopher Livingston
Can’t see the options at all on Opera.
Of course a shark would beat a bear!
All of the polls worked just fine on Chrome for Android.
Also, I would have voted for pie, but the picture was of pumpkin, the worst pie ever created.
Except maybe moose turd pie. But it’s close.
Blasphemer! Pumpkin is the king of pies!
Also, all three polls worked for me in Opera 12.10.
Nondrick rules, ko :-D
I found that Ghostery was blocking polldaddy. Other than that, no problems.
Darn those are a lot of votes.
Reminds me of the cake vs pie conflict of 98′
And my tour of duty in the Cola Wars.
Cake eats Bear, obvs
Does the bear/shark fight take place on land or at sea? I feel that could affect the result.
I get it – this is just a test to see which side we’re all going to take in the forthcoming Bearsharkocalypse, isn’t it?!
I can’t see any pictures of pie. :( Using IE.
No pictures showed on the second one, in Chrome.
My other problem is I want to see more of your game and movie articles !!!!!!!!!!!!
No pictures for Cake VS Pie, I assumed there should have been from the “enlarge” links which didn’t go to anything in particular. But admittedly I’m on the FF nightly builds and also have NoScript installed… so if I didn’t allow the right servers that could have mucked things up.
Nothing in opera
Blocked by Ghostery in FF
It worked fine on chrome on a censored school computer. Yeah .Bear v. Shark. That satire on commercialism about the world freaking out over the yearly battle of a feared land predator and a water beast. Dang, I thought only English teachers knew about that book. oh and I’m new. In fact I likely won’t ever come back to this page but I really enjoyed the comic you made (Unconcerned) about 7 years ago so I figured I should contribute something. So here.
Wow I still messed that up. Concerned! Not Unconcerned.
Everything works fine except the images in the second one.
Christopher, you haven’t posted something in over 5 weeks… why?