The Demo Man

Watchmen: The End is Nigh, And There is Punching

The prisoner is in front of me. He has long hair and is wearing a blue jumpsuit.

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The Demo Man

Mount & Blade

Welcome to a Very Special episode of The Demo Man.  Why is it Very Special?  Because I actually played a demo I kind of like, as opposed to the demos I usually play which are pure crap.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of crap in this demo.  But what isn’t crap is actually really, really good, so I’m afraid I’ll have to say some nice things about it. Bear with me.

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The Demo Man

Infernal: Kicking Ass And Taking Souls

Infernal is an in-your-face demo of a game that’s all about kicking ass! Even the menu screen will kick you in the ass with your own face! In fact, the hero of the demo, the guy you play, is named Jake Asskicker. I know, it sounds like I’m making that up, but I’m not — that’s his actual name. Jake. Asskicker. I am not lying.

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Spore To Spew In September

I wouldn’t go requesting vacation days yet, but kotaku is reporting that Spore has announced a release date of September 7, 2008. I’d link to the actual Spore site with the announcement but their site is all Flashy and shitty and annoying and crashed my browser once and it’s slow and I hate it and I’m on a crummy laptop right now with a bad connection at work.


The King of Kong

We watched a great documentary this weekend called The King of Kong, which is about dorks fighting for the high score in the Donkey Kong arcade game.  Funny, surprisingly gripping and even moving, though, like most documentaries, it was perhaps a little manipulative and one-sided.

Still, a great film even if you’re not into gaming, and once you’ve watched it, you can search the web for all the controversy it’s generated.

Also, I once wrote something about Donkey Kong.


Battlefield Heroes

battlefield heroes guyAt first blush, it looks like a TF2 ripoff. Look at that guy. He looks like they took the TF2 heavy, stuck the TF2 soldier’s helmet on him, and crammed the TF2 spy’s cigarette in his mouth. What, no eyepatch?

Art design aside, it’s a 3rd person multiplayer shooter and it’s apparently going to be free, supported by “advertising and micro-transactions”, which I assume means in-game ads and the ability to buy upgrades and character tweaks (ah, there’s the eyepatch!).

You can tell they’re already a little defensive, as in the rundown of game elements, this line appears:

Idea to do a cartoon Battlefield dates back to Battlefield 1942, Lars Gustavsson envisioned something like BFH

Okay! Easy! Actually, If you really read the details, it doesn’t sound like it’ll play much like TF2 at all, it just looks like the current art design maybe takes a cue from TF2. (Not that I can point fingers — I’m outright stealing TF2’s art for my comic.)  At any rate, I’m not much of a fan of 3rd person shooters, but it’s still something to keep your eye on, especially the fan reaction.

To The Death! | Video Games

To The… Finish Line!

Yes, it’s the 2006 Olympic Games, brought to you live from Italy!

Cs_italy, that is. This charming Counter-Strike map will host today’s event, the marathon, or as they say in Italy, marathan-o. That’s right, this isn’t a deathmatch, it’s a race! This twenty-six mile footrace will take our competitors through the narrow streets of cs_italy roughly 265 times, so I hope you’re ready to see hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of running!

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To The Death! | Video Games

To The Death! Round Three, Match Three

Time for the rubber match between the antlions and the Gordon Frohmen! As usual, we’ll be changing things up a bit for the third and final round.

We’ll still have three Frohmen, but since they got their asses kicked last time, we’re gonna downgrade their hardware. Yes, downgrade. We’d had them armed with an AR2, an SMG, and a shotgun, but if you read the comic, you know Frohman prefers his pistol above everything else, except maybe his shovel. So, we’re going to arm all three Frohmen with the pistols. Though small, they hold an 18-round clip and at close range they really pack a punch. Or at least a paf.

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To The Death! | Video Games

To The Death! (Round Three, Match Two)

Four men, trapped on a desert island, surrounded by monsters.

No, it’s not this week’s episode of “Lost” (though Frohman does look a bit like Jack). It’s today’s episode of To The Death!

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To The Death! | Video Games

To The Death! (Round Three, Match One)

As the saying goes, “No man is an island.”

Especially not this dork. However, he is on an island, the island in the lagoon of the gm_construct map.

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